In Picassos's footsteps: painting holidays in Gósol

In May 1906, en route from Barcelona to Paris, Picasso and his lover Fernande Olivier got off the train at Guardiola de Berguedà and, with the help of a local carter, walked to Gósol, where they stayed for three months. The summer spent in this small village in Berguedà County seems to have been decisive for Picasso’s pictorial development, as witnessed by the many paintings dating from that time.

Following Picasso’s footsteps, you might like to spend two to four days in Gósol, taking painting classes in the morning and exploring the area in the afternoon, visiting the Picasso Centre, enjoying the views of Pedraforca and Cadí Mountains, and savouring the local cuisine.

Fact File:

  • Hiking and Cultural activity
  • Suitable for all ages
  • Environment-friendly
Informació tècnica
Route type
Senderisme - Rutes culturals

T_0034 938 221 500