Valls d'Àneu

This ATB Centre now has 11 marked routes of different levels covering a total of 211km, enabling cyclists to enjoy Pyrenean trails running through a landscape of leafy valleys carved out by rivers and canyons, coniferous forests, alpine meadows and high-mountain villages. The reception point is at Esterri d’Àneu Tourist Office.

Visitors to the area can participate in a wide variety of adventure and winter sports such as white-water rafting, skiing, canyoning and horse riding. Other options include exploring Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Mauric National Park and Alt Pirineu Natural Park, discovering the local gastronomy, following Romanesque routes around the villages in the valleys, which still conserve the charm of thousand-year-old traditions of agriculture and stock raising, and a vernacular architecture of stone, wood and slate.


Tourist Office

Carrer Major, 40 Bis – Esterri d’Àneu

T_0034 973 626 345

M_0034 649 387 318

F_0034 973 626 568