Balloon flight over volcanoes & stay over in Santa Pau
On weekdays we offer you the possibility of spending the night before your flight in Can Menció, in the medieval village of Santa Pau, without added cost This small pension, located in the arched main
MónNatura Pirineos: Viaja por las galaxias
Sesión en el planetario y observatorio astronómico El cielo de MónNatura Pirineos presenta unas características espectaculares para disfrutar de una sesión de astronomía sin contaminación lumínica y
MónNatura Pirineos: Fauna de los Pirineos
Paseo guiado al Centro de fauna para conocer algunas de las especies de animales más emblemáticas de los Pirineos como el quebrantahuesos, el lince, entre otros. *Menores de 3 años, gratis * Los niños
Vall de Núria in the Ripollès region
Vall de Núria mountain resort, with a unique wealth of nature and landscape, is located in the Eastern Pyrenees, within the municipal area of Queralbs It sits above one of the highest points of the
Zoo of the Pyrenees
Show flying birds of prey and Zoo of the Pyrenees guided tour. Let's get to know the main activity Zoo of the Pyrenees, the show flying birds, in which vultures and wild eagles also often appear. Get
Canyoning in the Pyrenees (Barranco de San Pedro) - Initiation level
Canyoning adapted for all the publics in which you will enjoy a beautiful and interesting descent at the same time that we start in the spectacular world of ravines. You will enjoy the excitement of
Family rafting in the Pyrenees
Activity adapted for the whole family in which you will sail and enjoy an interesting stretch of river We will combine the excitement of the rapids with a pleasant and fun landscape for adults and
Ravin de Berrós
C'est un ravin idéal pour découvrir ce sport et s'initier à cette activité au coeur des Pyrénées Le canyoning consiste à surmonter ces changements d'itinéraire : marche, nage, escalade ou descente en
Expérience apicole à Mont Rebei
Visite des ruches et dégustation du miel en plein nature, dans un site avec des vues privilégiées sur le Congost de Mont Rebei à Terres de Lleida Ça comprends: Le trajet en 4x4 jusqu’à site La visite