MónNatura Pirineos: Viaja por las galaxias
Sesión en el planetario y observatorio astronómico El cielo de MónNatura Pirineos presenta unas características espectaculares para disfrutar de una sesión de astronomía sin contaminación lumínica y
MónNatura Pirineos: Fauna de los Pirineos
Paseo guiado al Centro de fauna para conocer algunas de las especies de animales más emblemáticas de los Pirineos como el quebrantahuesos, el lince, entre otros. *Menores de 3 años, gratis * Los niños
Full moon trekking, picnic and astronomy
Walking under the light of the moon. We'll go to an open place to have a break with a picnic with local products, whit the purpose that you can also know the quality of the products made here There we
Astronomical Observation with telescope
We will observe the night sky in locations with no light pollution, with Starlight certification During the activity we’ll learn how to identify constellations and some myths about them. Thanks to the
Beekeeping experience in Mont-Rebei
Discover the wonderful world of bees and their role in nature Visit a bee settlement and taste their honey, in the middle of nature and with privileged views in the Congost de Mont-rebei. The visit
Full moon snowshoeing
We walk through the snowy areas of the Sant Maurici National Park and the Alt Pirineu Natural Park, at night Snowshoes are a quiet and easy way to walk. On the way, we'll see one of the best-preserved